A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
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  21 Jump Street
 103 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1987-1991)
Canceled/Ended in 1991

Episode 9 of "21 Jump Street"
s01e09 Blindsided

Title: Blindsided

Original Air Date: 05/31/1987 on FOX

Director: David Jackson
Writer: Jonathan Lemkin

Guest Stars: Karin Konoval (Waitress), Don S. Davis (Principal Harris), Courtney Gains), Tom O'Rourke), Jim McKrell), Harold P. Pruett), Ric Reid (Mr. Warren), Lorraine Forman (Mrs. McKee), Lalainia Lindbjerg (Leslie), Drum Garrett (Freshman), Sean Berner (Max), Penn Clark (Mark), Charlie Higgins (Steve), Robert Hallak), Bob Metcalfe (Officer Raskin)

Plot Outline:

The daughter of a policeman who claims her father is sexually abusing her tries to hire Hanson-- undercover with Penhall as one of the drug dealing McQuaid brothers-- to kill her father.


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