A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
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  21 Jump Street
 103 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1987-1991)
Canceled/Ended in 1991

Episode 30 of "21 Jump Street"
s02e17 Champagne High

Title: Champagne High

Original Air Date: 03/06/1988 on FOX

Director: Larry Shaw
Writer: Paul Bernbaum

Guest Stars: William B. Davis (Mr. Wickenton), Andrew Koenig (Wally), Phillip Richard Allen (Mr. Wilder), Gabriel Jarret (Ricky), Andrew Ross), Peter Berg (Jerome Sawyer)

Plot Outline:

Penhall & Hanson go undercover as the McQuaid brothers in a suburban high school, that recently has had inner city kids bused in, to investigate the theft of a Porsche. Meanwhile, Judy must deal with a love-sick teenage boy.


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