A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
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  7 days
 66 episodes, 3 seasons
United States (1998-2001)
Canceled/Ended in 2001

Episode 16 of "7 days"
s01e16 There's Something About Olga

Title: There's Something About Olga

Original Air Date: 03/31/1999 on UPN

Director: Jeannot Szwarc
Writer: Tim Finch, Tamara Shaw

Guest Stars: Christopher Neame (KGB Captain), Christopher Carroll (Director Beketov), Levani Outchaneichvili (Dr. Karkov), Vladimir Skomarovsky (KGB Doctor), Lanier Edwards (Misto), Kerry Catanese (Nurse), Jimmy Villarreal (NNL Technician)



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