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  7th Heaven
 243 episodes, 11 seasons
United States (1996-????)
Returning Series

Episode 75 of "7th Heaven"
s04e09 Dirty Laundry

Title: Dirty Laundry

Original Air Date: 11/22/1999 on WB

Director: Burt Brinkerhoff
Writer: Elaine Arata

Guest Stars: Mako (Henry Muranaka), Sarah Rayne (Sarah Magnee), Sydney Berry (Nina), Rayne Marcus (Girl #2), Gretchen Storms (Chloe), Cecilie Davis (Girl #1)

Plot Outline:

After Eric receives a mysterious check of $20,000, he learns that the gift was from one of his parishioners who was a World War 2 internment camp survivor. When he hears that the woman has never been able cope from her internment experience, Eric helps her come to terms with the pain. Meanwhile, Ruthie learns a valuable lesson about the meaning of friendship when bribing a classmate. Matt and Shana have a miscommunication about laundry that sends their relationship temporarily into a tailspin. Simon is woeful over the injustices of the world, and Mary adjusts to her lower social status at school.

Episode Pictures:

7th Heaven photo 1 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 2 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 3 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 4 (episode s04e09)
7th Heaven photo 5 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 6 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 7 (episode s04e09) 7th Heaven photo 8 (episode s04e09)


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