A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 105 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (2001-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 88 of "Alias"
s04e22 Before the flood

Title: Before the flood

Original Air Date: 05/25/2005 on ABC

Director: Lawrence Trilling
Writer: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec

Guest Stars: Angela Bassett (CIA Director Hayden Chase), Robert Patrick Benedict (Brodien), Sonia Braga (Elena Derevko)

Plot Outline:

Jack, Sydney, Irina, Vaughn and Nadia parachute into Sovogda. They're supposed to dismantle a giant red ball turning people into zombies. At APO, Marshall and Weiss use the Blackwell Index to blackmail the Russian minister into giving them the access codes to a Russian satellite, they discover that Elena is uplinking the satellite. A CIA agent, Brodien reminds them that the Rambaldi device is broadcasting a subaudible frequency that physiologically alters people who drink it and it is irreversible. Elena learns of the APO team's arrival.


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