Episode 20 of "Battlestar Galactica"
s02e05 The Farm
Title: The Farm
Original Air Date: 08/12/2005 on Sci-Fi Channel
Plot Outline:
A week after last week's exciting episode Adama returns to an excited CIC and retakes command of his ship. He orders a ship to ship search of all ships to find the President, but fails to find her before she sends out a message informing the other ships in the fleet that she knows where Earth is, and that she will lead them there. Over a third of the fleet leaves Galactica's protection and jumps back to Kobol to await the return of Starbuck. Back on Caprica Starbuck has been shot and is under medical care in a strange looking, and sounding hospital. Caprica Boomer returns to Helo, and helps him lead a raid on the hospital where she is being held in which leads to a chilling discovery.
Episode Pictures: