Episode 88 of "Charmed"
s04e22 Witch Way Now?
Title: Witch Way Now?
Original Air Date: 05/16/2002 on WB
Director: Brad Kern
Writer: Brad Kern
Guest Stars: Bruce Campbell (Agent Jackman), Leslie Grossman (Phoebe's Assistant), Samantha Shelton (Selena), Gwen Stewart (TV Psychic), Michael Chaturantabut (Bodyguard #1)
Plot Outline:
When the Angel of Destiny offers the sisters a chance to relinquish their powers and lead normal lives as a reward for vanquishing the Source of All Evil, their decision is put on the back burner, while they try and avoid an FBI agent who has them under surveillance and deal with Cole's calls for help, who is trapped in another realm, holding onto his love for Phoebe.
Episode Pictures: