Episode 89 of "Gilmore girls"
s05e02 A Messenger, Nothing More
Title: A Messenger, Nothing More
Original Air Date: 09/28/2004 on WB
Director: Daniel Palladino
Writer: Daniel Palladino
Guest Stars: Tawny Rene Hamilton (Theresa Lister), Jim Hanna (Mike Krumholtz), Floyd Van Buskirk (Henry), Erin Foster (Cheryl), Julie Dolan (Passing Woman), Anthony Azizi (Luciano), Luciano Giancarlo (Italian Waiter), Arielle Kebbel (Lindsay Lister Forester), J. Todd Adams (Cider Mill Guy), A.J. Tesler (Rob), Jana Camp (Trina), Kelly Holden (Nancy Krumholtz), Eric Shawkey (Ethan Krumholtz), Kimberly Stanphill (Faire Attendee)
Plot Outline:
T.J. is milking his injuries for all he's worth, but Luke decides that it's time to go home after seven weeks on the Ren Faire circuit... Rory calls to apologize and to ask her mother to deliver a letter to Dean... Sookie accurately diagnoses Lorelai with a bad case of management burnout, and the two friends decide to decompress with a girls-day-out... Emily and Rory come home exhausted from fending off the attentions of randy European men... Michel is wildly unenthusiastic when he's pressed into babysitting for guests whose children take an inexplicable shine to him... after Lindsay finds Rory's letter, she throws Dean and all his possessions out of the house, and her mother has an angry confrontation with Lorelai in the town square... Lane realizes that she's falling for Zack... Rory is saddened when Dean expresses regret for the shift in their relationship and the harm it caused to his wife and their families.
Episode Pictures: