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  Gilmore girls
 153 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-????)
Returning Series

Episode 130 of "Gilmore girls"
s06e21 Driving Miss Gilmore

Title: Driving Miss Gilmore

Original Air Date: 05/02/2006 on WB

Plot Outline:

Rory contacts Kimberly Wells, a Wall Street Journal reporter, about an interview Wells did with Mitchell Huntzberger. Rory wants the Journal to publish a correction about the article... to correct everything Mitchell said about her in the article. It's not what Mitchell said but what it implied that Rory is not happy with. Liz is at the diner with a few women... she doesn't really fit in the conversations. She and T.J. had a disagreement and Luke helps patch things up. Lorelai is concerned when Emily asks her to accompany her to a real estate office where they are presented pictures of marvelous houses.

Episode Pictures:

Gilmore girls photo 1 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 2 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 3 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 4 (episode s06e21)
Gilmore girls photo 5 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 6 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 7 (episode s06e21) Gilmore girls photo 8 (episode s06e21)


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