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  Hannah Montana
 27 episodes, 1 season
United States (2006-????)
Returning Series

Episode 5 of "Hannah Montana"
s01e05 It's My Party, And I'll Lie If I Want To

Title: It's My Party, And I'll Lie If I Want To

Original Air Date: 04/21/2006 on Disney

Plot Outline:

Lilly doesn't hit things off too well with some of Hannah's friends backstage before a Hannah Montana concert. Later, when Miley finds out about a party for a famous celebrity, but Lilly desperately wants to go, Miley decides to lie and tell Lilly that the party was canceled to save herself some public embarrassment. But even with all of Miley's attempts to keep Lilly from discovering, Lilly eventually finds out that Miley did go to the party and Miley has to tell Lilly the real reason why she lied to her. Meanwhile, Rico plays a trick on Jackson by paying a girl to pretend that she is in beauty school, and that she likes Jackson, with the end result being that she shaves off all of Jackson's hair saying that she's practicing. But when the girl discovers how nice Jackson really is, they both plot to get back at Rico.


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