A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 119 episodes, 6 seasons
United States (1992-1998)
Canceled/Ended in 1998

Episode 21 of "Highlander"
s01e21 Nowhere to Run

Title: Nowhere to Run

Original Air Date: 05/15/1993 on syndicated

Director: Dennis Berry
Writer: David Abramowitz

Guest Stars: Anthony Stewart Head (Allan Rothwood), Jason Riddington (Mark Rothwood), Marion Cotillard (Lori Bellian)

Plot Outline:

Mark Rothwood is giving a ride to Lori when he stops and starts making out with her. She refuses and they both get out of the car. Mark begins again and as the camera moves away, Lori screams. Later Lori is walking down the road, clutching her cloths when her step father, an immortal named Everett, pulls up and she tells him what happened. At the Rothwood home, Richie, Duncan, and Tessa arrive. Allan Rothwood was a childhood crush and a close friend for her. Upon entering the home Allan introduces them to his son Mark. While Duncan and Tessa converse with Allan, Richie is left with Mark. Richie asks to do something, but Mark says there's nothing to do and that there are no women there good enough for him. While Tessa and Allan are catching up on old times, Duncan senses an immortal nearby and leaves the home. Outside he meets Everrett, who demands that Duncan give over the boy for rapeing his step-daughter. Duncan tries to get him to see due process, but the colonel will have none of it. Inside Duncan confronts Mark about it, but he refuses. Later, the colonel returns with some of his war buddies and when the Rothwoods, Tessa, Richie, and Duncan try to leave, the mercenaries open fire on them, driving them back to the house. Inside Allan learns that the colonel claims that Mark raped his step-daughter. Expecting the colonel's men to come for Mark at anytime, Duncan and gang set up traps around the house. Boiling water above a door, Tieing electrical wire around the doorknob of the front door, setting a bear trap, and arming Allan with a makeshift flamethrower. When the men try to enter they are driven back. Outside Lori confronts her step-father asking him to quit his quest for revenge. When she threatens to go to the police, he has her locked up nearby. Meanwhile inside, the gang further question Mark about the rape and he finally admits it. With the knowledge of his son being a rapist, the father and son decide to make a break for it so that no one else will get hurt because of Mark. Tessa tells Duncan and he goes after them. Outside Allan and Mark make their way through the fog when one of the mercs spot them and open fire. Allan pushes Mark out of the way and takes the bullets. Duncan shoots the merc and brings back Allan and Mark. With Allan in need of medical attention, Duncan heads outside and takes on the colonel. Meanwhile inside, Mark knocks Richie unconscious and takes his gun. Richie recovers and heads outside for a vehicle. There he hears Lori and frees her, she runs off. Duncan has beaten the colonel and is about to take his head but decides not to. Mark arrives with a gun pointed at MacLeod telling him to finish him. Lori arrives and shoots Mark. Allan Rothwood is examined by a doctor and transported to a hospital. Tessa wants to go to the hospital and be with him when he finds out about his son. Richie asks about Lori and the step-father and Duncan tells him that they will probably become fugitives.


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