A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 227 episodes, 10 seasons
United States (1995-2005)
Canceled/Ended in 2005

Episode 119 of "JAG"
s06e09 Family Secrets

Title: Family Secrets

Original Air Date: 12/12/2000 on CBS

Plot Outline:

At Christmas time, while everyone else at JAG is enjoying the happy time of the season, Bud & Harriet are at little Sarah's gravesite unveiling her headstone that has just been placed. Bud vows that it just can't end like this and insists on finding out what happened. Bud & Harriet approach Mic to have him represent the Roberts in their case against Dr. Gettis. Mic warns Bud to stop, leading Bud to realize that Mic can't represent them, as his practice is representing Dr. Gettis. Harriet tries to talk Bud out of pursuing the case, but her pleas are ignored by Bud. Mac is assigned the case by the Admiral despite Bud's plea to be the lead attorney. Even though he is ordered to stay away from the case, he nonetheless can't. Mac questions Dr. Gettis as to why he took so long to respond when Harriet labor was in trouble. Dr. Gettis claims that his pager battery had died & didn't realize he was needed until he heard the overhead page for him. Bud however finds information on the computer that Dr. Gettis was lying when he said he was in the hospital. Bud learns that Dr. Gettis was out test driving his new Porshe that he had ordered. As a result, Mac charges the doctor with a court-martial offense, even though he is on terminal leave from the Navy. Mic, unable to go up against his friends, even though his boss insists, resigns from the firm. Mic's boss, Larry Kaliski takes over the case. Larry Kaliski is able to cause reasonable doubt when he uses legal tricks to impeach the governments witnesses. When Harriet is on the stand, Kaliski gets her to reveal that she had been pregnant before she was married to Bud, a pregnancy that mis-carried. Harriet testifies that she had never told anyone about that pregnancy except her mother, until now. Dr. Gettis is acquitted of all charges, but mentions to Bud & Harriet that he intends never to allow another couple to ever have to suffer like they have had. Harm meanwhile learns that Sergei was shot down by the Chechyans. When Webb tells Harm that the Washington Post plans to report that the son of Harmon Rabb Sr. has been shot down in Russia, Harms catches a red-eye flight to San Diego. When asked why, he replies that he has never been able to bring himself to tell his mother about Sergei and she reads the Washington Post. He feels he needs to tell her in person before she is surprised reading it in the paper. Harm requests leave to go to Russia to look for his brother, but is denied by the Admiral. Harm though, feels so strong about this, that he resigns his commission... before Harm can leave the office, Webb informs him that they have their contacts in Russia have learned that Sergei has been captured as a POW. As his whereabouts have been verified, Harms requests to resign is torn up.


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