A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 227 episodes, 10 seasons
United States (1995-2005)
Canceled/Ended in 2005

Episode 169 of "JAG"
s08e11 All Ye Faithful

Title: All Ye Faithful

Original Air Date: 12/17/2002 on CBS

Plot Outline:

On board the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea, Harm & Admiral Boone await the arrival of the transport plane to take them back to DC. Harm was onboard the carrier to review the new Atlantic Fleet JAG command structure, while Admiral Boone was onboard making a business representation to the CAG of the Coral Sea. Admiral Boone, reassigned when SecNav Nelson was replaced, tells Harm that he's retired for good. Just before they board their aircraft, the CAG tells Adm. Boone he was impressed with his presentation, but when Harm goes to shake the CAG's hand goodbye, the CAG refuses to take his hand, brushing him aside. Harm is left wondering why the CAG, who he had never met, appears not to like him. They then exit to the flight deck in time to see their plane about to land. The landing however, doesn't occur, since their tailhook broke away & landed on the deck. The COD initiates an emergency take-off, leaving the two friends with the realization that they will spending this Christmas Eve on a carrier. Harm meets Adm. Boone with the day's flight schedule, which indicates a F-14 is scheduled to return to the NAS at Lakehurst, NJ -- which gives them an opportunity to still make Christmas Eve celebrations they both have planned. While trying to convince the F-14 crew to give up their flight, the Tomcat crew is not open to bribery, until Harm mentions that he can introduce the two of them to Jennifer Lopez, next time they are on land. Intrigued, they agree. Adm. Boone asks Harm that he didn't know he saw Jennifer Lopez twice a year. Harm replies, "Of course, she's my dental hygienist." The CAG will hear none of it, insisting that Harm is not allowed to fly the F-14, being rude & unbendable, upset that he dumped a F-14 into the Atlantic last year. The CAG then explains that the F-14 belonged to him who was waiting for its arrival. He doesn't buy that the aircraft was to blame, implying it was pilot error. When the CAG learns that the Inspector General is enroute for a surprise visit of his pilots, the CAG has no choice but to allow Harm & Adm. Boone to take the F-14. He warns Harm though, that if he does anything other than fly to his established destination, he will see that Harm's wings are pulled. Back at JAG, the staff is happy to see Mac & PO2 Jennifer Coates, fresh from her deployment from the USS Seahawk. Adm. Chegwidden issued orders to re-assign PO2 Coates to the staff at JAG-HQ. PO1 Tiner is very, very excited that PO2 Coates will be working in the office. Mac unwraps a gift given to her from Harm before he left, it turns out to be a picture of them while in Afghanistan. Mac tells Coates, though, she gave him a picture frame the same size as the photo. The Admiral informs Mac that 3 Kuwaiti military attorneys are coming today for a visit, she is to show them around when they arrive. Coates learns that their plane had landed at Dulles & they have rented a car to drive to the JAG offices. However, in trying to navigate around DC, they end up lost. Sturgis takes the case of Marine Cpl. Joseph Tenny & his wife Mary, who is very pregnant, whose birth is imminent. The couple was evicted from their base housing over a misunderstanding involving the Marine practicing his drums. With nowhere else to turn, they showed up at JAG. Sturgis looks to put them up somewhere they can be comfortable while he looks to find them a place to live. Adm. Chegwidden volunteers to have them relax in his office for the time being. Bud & Harriet are also having Christmas Eve issues. Bud can't understand why their checking account still haven't received their pay from 3 weeks ago -- and with 11 guests coming for dinner with no food in the house. They decide to leave to go to the disbursement office, leaving Mikey to babysit little AJ. Seeing Harriet eating chinese food, he warns her not to continue as its 5 days old. While at the personnel office, Bud & Harriet talk to a Warrant Officer who is unsympathetic to their situation and gives them a tongue lashing for waiting till the last minute to shop for food. While being yelled at by the Warrant Officer, Harriet suddenly gets nauseous and runs to the restroom. Afterwards, Bud sits her in the hallway and Harriet, frustrated over the lack of help from the Warrant Officers yells over in his direction that she wishes the ghost of Jacob Marley drops chains on his foot. Bud believing Harriet has food poisoning, tells Harriet she needs to go to the hospital, since Harriet isn't well to drive, Bud offers to drive her for the first time since being injured. Harriet tells Bud to slow down, he apologizes, blaming a 'lead foot', then corrects himself to "composite plastic foot." At the hospital, the Roberts learn that it may be some time before a doctor sees them... but as the nurse leaves the room, Santa pops in & offers to take a look at Harriet. Santa, a doctor who was on his way upstairs to the childrens ward, tells Harriet she doesn't have food poisoning or urinary infection. When asked if he is sure, he looks at the paperwork again, telling them that "he just wanted to check it twice!" Santa then informs her that he knows what it is, but not sure if they want to hear the news. Meanwhile, the 3 Kuwaitis are still driving around lost... Harm & Adm. Boone onboard the F-14 go through the checklist & take-off, promising to stay away from weather & water. The Warrant Officer finds his office empty of personnel, yelling that they have never secured early on Christmas Eve, the door blows open, a strong wind blows papers around, the WO whispers, "Marley". After arranging temporary housing, Sturgis goes to tell the Tenny's the good news & finds Mrs. Tenny laying down on the Admirals couch being attended to by Mac & Coates. Mac tells Sturgis that she went into labour. Sturgis trying to figure out if anything is needed, learns that the Admiral delivered little AJ Roberts, then the Admiral introduces him to little Jason Tenny, after having just delivered him as well. The Kuwaitis finally call Adm. Chegwidden for directions... while on the phone with a screaming baby in the background, he helps them navigate, then tells them they are very close, look for a large brick building with a guard gate on the right side and a radio tower on the roof. The driver, looking up at the sky, sees a red light amongst the stars & exclaims that finally, he sees it. Patuxent Approach informs Harm that there is a disabled Marine C-130 without navigation instrumentation lost in a heavy cloud deck and informs Harm that they are the only aircraft close enough to help. Adm. Boone warns Harm of the CAG's order and when Harm questions whether they should ignore the distressed aircraft, Adm. Boone replies no they shouldn't. Tracking the other aircraft on radar, but unable to spot the C-130, the C-130 turns on all of their exterior lights. Violating FAA regulations, they cautiously move closer to the other aircraft when they hear a bang & their aircraft starts oscillating. Harm fighting for control, regains it, believing they struck the C-130. When they find out they're ok, they wonder what they hit, Patuxent Approach tells them that he has both of them on the screen & no collision occurred. They further advised that a weather balloon was lost several minutes ago & they must have found it. Still looking for the C-130 they suddenly see the lights. In the Admiral's Office, Adm. Chegwidden welcomes the Kuwaitis into his office, where Mrs. Tenny & little Jason are still waiting for an ambulance. They insist on blessing the birth of the child by each giving the small child gifts. The last Kuwaiti happens to own multiple apartment complexes in the area & his gift is an apartment for them to live in. At the Roberts, with no food for their pending guests, Big Bud Roberts offers to take them all to a restaurant, hoping he can pay for it with his credit card. The Warrant Officer arrives at the Roberts, tells them that he's divorced & his son informed him that he would rather spend Christmas with his mother in Buffalo, which is why he was in such a foul mood earlier. In an attempt to make it up to the Roberts, he brought 13 dinners & appetizers from his favourite restaurant. The Roberts insist that he join them for dinner. Harm moves into front of the C-130 & guides them to their landing. They learn that the C-130 marines were part of the Marines Toys for Tots Santa Caravan delivering toys to the various areas. With Harm's red light on the front of the Tomcat & caravan of toys behind them, the scene (& music) reminiscent of Rudolph is unmistakable. With everyone at the Roberts, Harriet tells everyone that Santa informed Bud & her that she was "seriously pregnant", but next time, wants milk & cookies. Meredith then offers to play the piano so everyone can sing carols. AJ reluctant for Meredith to play is shocked to learn that she actually plays quite well. Mac alone at the party, calls looking for him & gets his answering machine. At the Vietnam Memorial Wall during his annual pilgrimage there, this time with Tom Boone, they reflect on Harm's father. Boone remembers watching Hammer being shot down & him parachuting out. They meet a Navy Lieutenant Clarence who is visiting DC for the first time and at the wall. When Harm wishes him to have a good holiday, he tells them that it won't happen. He replies he didn't mean to sound disrespectful, he just graduated from Navy Air Training Command. Harm inquires why he isn't wearing his wings. Lt. Clarence tells them he had to take emergency leave & missed the graduation ceremony. An old college friend is on a suicide watch & intends to see that he will be ok. Harm, introduces themselves and insists on giving him his "winging ceremony", by giving having Admiral Boone pin Harm's gold wings on Lt. Clarence's uniform. When Harm asks Lt. Clarence what his career plans are, he replies that he would like to fly for the Blue Angels some day. With that, Adm. Boone pins the gold wings onto Lt. Clarence... a bell attached to a christmas wreath at the wall begins to ring with the breeze. With the whole crowd sitting down to dinner at the Roberts, Bud stands to say a few words, but is overcome with emotion. As he starts to say what an interesting year it has been, he notices Harm coming in the front door & welcomes him over to the table. As Harm is taking his seat, Mac notices he is not wearing his gold wings & points to his uniform, Harm promises to tell her all about it later. With Harm seated, Bud continues by picking up his cane and stating, "God Bless Us, Everyone!"


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