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  Joan of Arcadia
 45 episodes, 2 seasons
United States (2003-2005)
Canceled/Ended in 2005

Episode 28 of "Joan of Arcadia"
s02e05 The Election

Title: The Election

Original Air Date: 10/22/2004 on CBS

Director: Rob Morrow
Writer: Ellie Herman

Guest Stars: Morocco Omari (Principal Chadwick), Kristy Wu (Annie), Mike Erwin (Lars Klosterman), John Del Regno (Locksmith God), Corri English (Elizabeth Goetzman), Sam Murphy (Donny), Matt Spangler (Doug), Megan Henning (Mari Darlene Fitch), Mark Henderson (Craig Fitch), Julie Lancaster (Teri Fitch), Michael J. Willet (Billy), Kyle Patrick (Teddy Marks), Micah Williams (Freshman), Steele Justiss (Rocker Dude God), Kelly Pizzo (Drama Club Singer), John C. Murphy Jr. (Stoner)

Plot Outline:

Things get dirty in a student council election as God instructs Joan to support a candidate... Helen must deal with a student who protests another students work of art.

Episode Pictures:

Joan of Arcadia photo 1 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 2 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 3 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 4 (episode s02e05)
Joan of Arcadia photo 5 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 6 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 7 (episode s02e05) Joan of Arcadia photo 8 (episode s02e05)


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