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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 4 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s01e04 Shame

Title: Shame

Original Air Date: 02/06/2000 on Fox

Director: Nick Marck
Writer: David Richardson

Guest Stars: Roger Marks (Rabbi), Annie O'Donnell (Nurse), Adam Hendershott (Cadet Adam), Michael Canavan (Priest), Paul Willson (Ed), Gregory Bell (New Age Guru), Amy Higgins (Rowena), Alessandro Canale (Krelboyn Boy)

Plot Outline:

Parallel stories pit Malcolm against Kevin, a bullying, obnoxious new kid who goads Malcolm into beating him up... and Francis vies with his intimidating military-school commandant, who's presenting sex-education lectures. When Malcolm discovers that Kevin is only seven, he is guilt-stricken and tries to make amends by entering a charity marathon race. Meanwhile, Hal chops down the front-yard tree, alienating the neighbors (who can now see the house) but fascinating his sons with the wood-chipper.


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