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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 8 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s01e08 Krelboyne Picnic

Title: Krelboyne Picnic

Original Air Date: 03/12/2000 on Fox

Director: Todd Holland
Writer: Michael Glouberman, Andrew Orenstein

Guest Stars: Jerry Lambert (Dave), Mark Rickard (Eraserhead's Brother), Katherine Ellis (Jody), Lianne Pattison (Woman #1)

Plot Outline:

Disasters abound at a gifted kids' picnic, where stage acts bomb, families feud, and Malcolm's dad Hal serves meat to vegetarians. Despite Malcolm's best efforts -- feigning sickness, planning to go over the wall with Francis -- his family insist on accompanying him to a circus-themed picnic for the Krelboyne class, whom must each perform for the assembled students and families. Once there, Lois immediately feuds with Dorene, the loud-mouthed mother who dominates the other parents... Reese plans to "kick Krelboyne butt" and is hoist by his own petard (okay, underpants) by Eraserhead's much bigger brother... Francis goes through an entire romantic relationship in the course of the single afternoon... and Hal grosses out the entire class by sneaking real meat into their vegetarian barbecue. When a desperate Malcolm turns Stevie's demonstration of catalysts into a gigantic stink bomb, Caroline is convinced she will be fired -- so Malcolm must go on and quell the crowd by demonstrating his ability to do advanced mathematics in his head. The day is saved, and even his family teases him only mildly...


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