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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 28 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s02e12 Krelboyne Girl

Title: Krelboyne Girl

Original Air Date: 01/14/2001 on Fox

Director: Arlene Sanford
Writer: Bob Stevens

Plot Outline:

There's a new girl in the Krelboyne class. Malcolm learns that his dull pencils were part of an elaborate yet unknown hazing. Cynthia is a fresh recruit from New York, and she earns Malcolm's affections with wit and Israeli ass whoopin' moves. But she's wweird... she picks earwax while flirting. Of course, Malcolm throws bricks through windows, so they're a match. Meanwhile Dewey is wearing a home made hazmat suit killing all the home's scary germs, because he doesn't want to lose his eyes. And, Francis, he hasn't done anything worse than usual, but Hal lies for him. Hal feels guilty. Francis must pay. One hopes this means Francis will get over his mother, his future therapist has to catch some kind of break.


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