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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 45 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s03e04 Malcolm's Girlfriend

Title: Malcolm's Girlfriend

Original Air Date: 11/28/2001 on Fox

Director: Ken Kwapis
Writer: Ian Busch

Guest Stars: Smalls (Burly Guy), Colin Ferguson (Deputy Brock), Terry Rhoads (Sheriff Chad), Cristine Rose (Mrs. Demarco), Karen Witter (Vanessa), Stacy Keach (Carl), Alessandra Toreson (Sara), Jack Impellizzeri (Deputy #2), Cody Estes (Young Malcolm), Logan O'Brien (Ronnie), Malcolm David Kelley (Kid #1), Marcella Lentz-Pope (Holly), Jonathan Jones (Zealot), Matthew Dunn (Young Dewey), Dillon John (Young Reese)

Plot Outline:

Malcolm has a new light in his life: a perky classmate named Sara (whose face, in a quirky touch, is never shown). But, according to Malcolm , she's "good-looking and smart and cool. And if we went out together, it would make me happy. So therefore, it will never happen." Ah, but it does—a surprising turn of events that elates the lad and perturbs his parents, especially when Malcolm goes into an academic tailspin. And it's not long before our lovesick hero admits that he's becoming "obsessive and neurotic, and a totally jealous creep." Thanks to Reese, Lois learns of Malcolm's new pastime -- kissing after school—and flips out when his schoolwork begins to suffer. Meanwhile, Dewey has finally made a friend—a real one this time—and helps to plan the friend's birthday bash...only he plans the party he himself would want.


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