A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 67 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s04e04 Stupid Girl

Title: Stupid Girl

Original Air Date: 11/24/2002 on Fox

Director: Todd Holland
Writer: Dan Kopelman

Guest Stars: Mehcad Brooks (Big Kid), Carole Goldman (Customer), Randall Bosley), Brittany Finamore (Alison), Carlo Michael Mancini (Rental Guy), Roger W. Morrissey (Salesman)

Plot Outline:

Acting dumb like Reese eases Malcolm's stress and lands him a date with the new light of his life, an attractive girl who's really a dim bulb. Meanwhile, Hal wins $1000 and rents a steamroller causing him to become addicted to crushing things.


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