Episode 61 of "Party of Five"
s03e17 Misery Loves Company
Title: Misery Loves Company
Original Air Date: 01/22/1997 on Fox
Director: Rodman Flender
Writer: Mark B. Perry
Guest Stars: D. Elliot Woods (Fireman), Scott Grimes (Will)
Plot Outline:
Will surprises Bailey showing up at his place. Will thinks Bailey drinks too much, and asks Sarah what's going on, but she doesn't want to talk about Bailey. He tries to advice Bailey about his drinking, but Bailey says it's no big deal. Callie asks him to move into her room. Grace's place burned down, so she moves into the house. Charlie doesn't want Julia to turn down Stansford. Julia, angry with Charlie, moves to Sam's so she won't have to listen to him. Charlie doesn't want her there, and they have a big fight. Sam tells Julia she should go back to the house. Claudia tries to get Bailey to help, but he ignores her.