Episode 85 of "Party of Five"
s04e16 I Give Up
Title: I Give Up
Original Air Date: 02/04/1998 on Fox
Director: Ken Topolsky
Writer: P.K. Simonds
Guest Stars: Anne Betancourt (Ms. Ramos), Terry Rhoads (Assessor), Michael Laskin (Bailey's Professor)
Plot Outline:
Griffin is selling the shop and the only one interested in buying it is his business opponent. He has no choice and sells it. He and Julia are now debt free. The new owner offers him a job at the store, which he refuses to take until Julia convinces him to. Charlie has pneumonia and is back to the hospital. He gets better, but is too depressed to feel good. Everybody worries about him. He decides to make a will just in case. Bailey decides to drop out of college so he can deal with everything. Paul tells Kristen she's still in love with Charlie. Claudia is skipping school.