Episode 44 of "Quantum Leap"
s03e13 Future Boy
Title: Future Boy
Director: Michael Switzer
Writer: Tommy Thompson
Guest Stars: Alan Fudge (Dr. Richard Sandler), David Sage (Judge), John Christian Graas (Small Boy), Nicholas Shaffer (Roger), George Wyner (Ben Harris), Debra Stricklin (Irene Kiner), Jason Kincaid (Caped Futurite), Jesse Switzer (Kid), Matt Marfoglia (Kenny Sharpe / Mirror)
Plot Outline:
Sam leaps Kenny Sharp, better known as "Future Boy", sidekick to Moe Stein, host of the kid's show, "Time Patrol," who also happens to be building a time machine in his basement. Unless Sam can prevent Moe's daughter from attempting to have her father committed, Moe is destined to be killed as he tries to hop a freight train.