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  Sex and the city
 94 episodes, 6 seasons
United States (1998-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 67 of "Sex and the city"
s05e01 Anchors Away

Title: Anchors Away

Original Air Date: 07/21/2002 on HBO

Director: Charles McDougall
Writer: Michael Patrick King

Guest Stars: Mark Deklin (Ship Officer), Sylvia Miles (Joan), Chandra Wilson (Police Officer), Philip Levy (Deli Manager), Mario Cantone (Anthony Marantino), Diego Lopez (Bill Hope), Liesl Ehardt (Customer), Jamie Gustis (Paul Watkins), Seth Consentino (Sweet Young Sailor), Michael Hollick (Dickie Sailor), Vincenetta Gunn (Lina), Chris Tschupp (Cute Rain Guy), Tom Myler (Joseph), Seth Gabel (Sweet Young Sailor), Michalina Almindo (Prostitute)

Plot Outline:

It's 'Fleet Week' in New York City and Carrie, Samantha and Charlotte are only just beginning to adjust to Miranda's new life with baby Brady. Samantha is finding it particularly hard to adjust to "cleaning up her act" in front of baby Brady, especially because she's still furious over Richard Wright's infidelity. Charlotte, now over Trey, is ready to find her next great love, whereas Carrie wonders if she's all out of great loves, now that Big and Aidan are gone. Carrie turns to Manhattan for romance and discovers that the only company that she can find is a fellow single who likes to mix her prescription drugs with her ice cream! She jumps at the opportunity when a sailor invites her to the Fleet Week party. At the end of the night though, she realises that until she can let go of her past two relationships, she cannot date anymore and goes home alone... Meanwhile, Samantha is on a mission to get back at Richard. First she throws a Martini in his face and then puts posters all around his neighbourhood calling him a "cheater" and "liar"! Charlotte also flirts with an officer who isn't quite a gentleman. Richard, unfazed by Samantha's poster campaign, persists in apologizing to her and declaring his love for her. Meanwhile, Miranda works on the art of breastfeeding!


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