Episode 8 of "Six feet under"
s01e08 Crossroads
Title: Crossroads
Original Air Date: 07/22/2001 on HBO
Director: Allen Coulter
Writer: Laurence Andries
Guest Stars: Michael Cudlitz (Crosssroads Leades), Lisa K. Wyatt (Krochnew Mortician), Jordan Brower (Topher), Stewart McLennan (Connor Thompson), Lori Harmon (Chloe's Friend), Jules Tearle (Square Dancer), Pat Desto (Chloe's Friend)
Plot Outline:
Chloe Margaret Bryant YorkinJanuary 7, 1959 - April 2001 The business is a bit slow these days, so Nate and David decide to rent out a room at the fineral home to supplement the loss. Frederico is being wooed by Kroehner's and he comtemplates doing it for the experience and the money. Claire is hiking in the mountains but doesn't really understand the point of it all.
Episode Pictures: