Episode 25 of "Six feet under"
s02e12 I'll Take You
Title: I'll Take You
Original Air Date: 05/19/2002 on HBO
Director: Michael Engler
Writer: Jill Soloway
Guest Stars: Robert Foxworth (Bernard Chenowith), Eric Bruskotter (Keith's Partner), Travis Wester (Henry), Glenn Fitzgerald (Aaron Buchbinder)
Plot Outline:
Leticia Perfecta Perez1929 - 2002 Young ladies in a beauty parlor are getting ready for a Quinceanera (15th Birthday Party) while two older women, Leticia and her friend are sitting near the hair dryers. The stylist is telling everyone they look beautiful (young and old) but when he compliments Leticia Perfecta Perez she had already passed on. Nate is reading excerpts from Brenda's laptop. Brenda scolds him for being nosy and not to look at the novel until it is completed. Brenda then starts to get nervous when he reads a passage involving her real life affair aloud. Nate then asks her randomly "Have you ever slept with two guys at the same guy?" She does not answer but passes the question to him. David and Keith are preparing for their roles as the new parents of 9 year old Taylor. Over breakfast two two announce that a social worker will be visiting their house. Taylor is far from ecstatic when she tells them about her previous social workers. As the day draws near, Keith tells David to hide anything "funny" meaning anything that looks gay. David replies "It's not like they're not going to know we're gay, we're two MEN living together". The appointment goes very well and the social worker will let them know his decision in a few days. Federico meanwhile is mourning the loss of his deceased neighbor whom they called Abuelita. Soon after, Mrs. Perez's son comes to make arrangements and to upgrade her casket from a less expensive model to a more beautiful casket. Federico objects saying it's not what she wanted. David on the side of Rico lies and says that is illegal to not fulfill the wishes. This makes Federico flashback to 1992 when his father had passed away. A miracle then happens, for being so kind to this woman Federico inherited $149,000.00. Claire seems to be finding her way in life when she goes on a tour of LAC-Arts, she seems proud and makes the decision to send an application there. Nikolai is becoming tired of Ruth. Ruth continues to hold the commitment together however when she finally snaps over what movie they are going to see she decides it best that they only have a work relationship. One evening, Nate & Brenda are sitting on their porch, smoking pot when a face from Brenda's past appears: The surfer from her threesome. He greets the two and Nate knows by her book description that this is for real. After the surfer now known as Kyle leaves, a fight pursues and Nate decides to break off the engagement and move out for good. David then calls Nate to tell him that Kroehner has filed for Chapter 11 and is defunct. The two are happy about this especially David until he finds out that Keith is under investigation for hurting someone during a domestic abuse call. Lisa then calls Ruth, Ruth is surprised until Lisa announces she had a baby, a girl named Maya Fisher. Ruth is confused until she tells her that she is Nate's. She then goes to Lisa's where a little bundle of joy is put into her arms.
Episode Pictures: