Episode 41 of "Six feet under"
s04e02 In Case of Rapture
Title: In Case of Rapture
Original Air Date: 06/20/2004 on HBO
Director: Daniel Attias
Writer: Rick Cleveland
Guest Stars: Beth Grant (Dorothy Sheedy), Jennifer Darling (Edie's Mother), James Black (Duane), Daniel Bryan Cartmell (Professor), Rob Evors (Plumber), Tom Lenk (Young Poet), L. Sidney (Derek), Mat Hostetler (Inflating Guy #1), David Lee Russek (Jeffrey), Richard Jenkins), Rich Overton (Thomas Sheedy), Erik Meinerth (Mike), Mark L. Young (Eric Sheedy)
Plot Outline:
Dorothy Sheedy1954-2003 The Fisher family seems to be having a hard time accepting George. Ruth is trying to integrate his furniture into their house as a way to get them to realize he's part of the family too, and so that George feels the same way. Nate is projecting his feelings about mourning Lisa onto clients of Fisher & Diaz. When it becomes too much, he makes a critical decision that affects everyone. Keith gets a new job as a bodyguard to the stars. But when faced with raging male hormone talk, he joins in and instantly slams the closet door for himself at work. Meanwhile, David is dealing with Nate's decision, and now a clogged up plumbing system that has blood erupting from the drains. He gets a plumber to service the clog, among other things, rather quickly.
Episode Pictures: