Episode 3 of "Sliders"
s01e03 Fever
Title: Fever
Original Air Date: 03/29/1995 on Fox
Director: Mario Azzopardi
Writer: Ann Powell, Rose Schacht
Guest Stars: James Bell (Burly Trucker), Ken Pogue (Dr. Darren Morton), Alex Bruhanski (Pavel Kurlienko), Marie Stillin (Waitress), William MacDonald (Medical Moonsuit), Garvin Cross (The Sick Man), Allison Hossack (Dr. Eileen Stanley), Yee Jee Tso (Wing), David L. Gordon (Tactical Moonsuit), James Timmins (Pharmacist)
Plot Outline:
On a world where penicillin was never invented, Quinn is mistaken for his double, who is believed to be the cause of a massive epidemic. While he is imprisoned by a health agency, Wade shows signs of being infected and only Arturo can find the cure.
Episode Pictures: