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  Stargate-SG1  [Stargate SG-1]
 213 episodes, 10 seasons
United States (1997-????)
Returning Series

Episode 21 of "Stargate-SG1"
s01e21 Politics (1/3)

Title: Politics (1/3)

Original Air Date: 02/27/1998 on Syndication

Director: Martin Wood
Writer: Brad Wright

Plot Outline:

Having escaped marauding Goa'ulds in another Earth reality, Daniel Jackson warns that it is only a matter of time before they launch an attack in this one. But, the Stargate program faces a more immediate threat - - this from Senator Kinsey, powerful Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and the man who oversees Stargate's multi-billion dollar budget. Kinsey sees the program as a wasteful fat cat with dubious goals and he vows to shut it down. As he reviews the past missions with Hammond, O'Neill and the SG-1 team, he dismisses the danger presented by the Goa'uld, despite warnings from Teal'c of their power. Even Daniel's desperate warning of an imminent attack won't sway the Senator, who is determined to bury the gate and put the program out of business. (To Be Continued...)

Episode Pictures:

Stargate-SG1 photo 1 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 2 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 3 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 4 (episode s01e21)
Stargate-SG1 photo 5 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 6 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 7 (episode s01e21) Stargate-SG1 photo 8 (episode s01e21)


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