Episode 30 of "Stargate-SG1"
s02e08 Family
Title: Family
Original Air Date: 08/14/1998 on Syndication
Director: Bill Gereghty
Writer: Katharyn Michaelian Powers
Guest Stars: Peter Bryant (Fro'tak), Laara Sadiq (Female Technician), Jan Frandsen (Dj'nor)
Plot Outline:
Teal'c's mentor Bra'tac arrives unexpectedly through the Stargate with shocking news: the Goa'uld Apophis survived the destruction of his ship and has now kidnapped Teal'c's son, Rya'c. O'Neill and the rest of the SG-1 team agree to join Teal'c as he returns to Chulak to rescue Rya'c, but when they arrive they find much has changed. Because Teal'c didn't return from Earth, his wife, Drey'auc, assumed he was dead and married his old friend, Fro'tak. To make matters worse, Rya'c has been brainwashed by Apophis which causes him to denounce his father as a traitor and foil the team's attempts to rescue him. Fro'tak becomes jealous after seeing Teal'c and Drey'auc rekindling their marital flame. The team is almost captured and Fro' tak attempts to betray them to Apophis, forcing O'Neill to take drastic action. But, Teal'c sees a glimmer of hope when Rya'c slips a hidden message into his denunciation of his father. Teal'c wants to rescue him and take him back to Earth and although O'Neill agrees, he suspects Rya'c - or his controller, Apophis - may be setting an elaborate and deadly trap.
Episode Pictures: