Episode 168 of "Stargate-SG1"
s08e14 Full Alert
Title: Full Alert
Original Air Date: 02/11/2005 on Sci-Fi Channel
Director: Andy Mikita
Writer: Paul Mullie, Joseph Mallozzi
Guest Stars: Allan Gray (Mr. Kent), Chelah Horsdal (Commanding Officer), Barclay Hope (Colonel Lionel Pendergrast), Gary Jones (Sgt. Walter Davis/Harriman), Joey Aresco (Mr. Parker), Ronny Cox (Robert Kinsey), Francoise Robertson (Captain Daria Voronkova), Mike Dopud (Colonel Chernovshev), Dmitry Chepovetsky (Russian Soldier), Lucas Wolf (Jennings)
Plot Outline:
Robert Kinsey contacts General O'Neill and tells him that the Trust is trying to bring down the U.S. government, and want Kinsey's help. Kinsey and the Trust escape surveillance but when the trail leads to Russia, Daniel is captured when it is revealed that Kinsey tried to kill a leading Russian general...and Kinsey is now the host to a Goa'uld symbiote.
Episode Pictures: