Episode 11 of "The 4400"
s02e05 Suffer the Children
Title: Suffer the Children
Original Air Date: 06/26/2005 on USA
Director: Vincent Misiano
Writer: Frederick Rappaport
Guest Stars: Brent Stait (Frank Venner), Jaren Brandt Bartlett (Joey Lasco), Andrew Airlie (Brian Moore), Chilton Crane (Susan Farrell), Genevieve Buechner (Heidi Moore), Bill Campbell (Jordan Collier), Lindy Booth (Liv), Rob Hayter (Cop), Jordan Lasorsa-Simon (Isabelle), Ben Cotton (Dewey), D. Harlan Cutshall (Guard), Bill Marchant (Harmon Sloan), Reece Thompson (Greg Venner), Rick Dobran (Sal Lasco), Bruce Dawson (Lew Ross), Kathryn Gordon (Heather Tobey), Brett Delaney (Sheriff Cobb), Stefan Thordarson (Mike Ross), Santana Shaw-Garlock (Rita Lopez), Mylene Robic (Kimmy), Sean Owen Roberts (Wayne), Kyle Falconer (Shadow), Brent O'Connor (Husky Boyfriend)
Episode Pictures: