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  The Pretender
 88 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1996-2000)
Canceled/Ended in 2000

Episode 74 of "The Pretender"
s04e08 Rules of Engagement

Title: Rules of Engagement

Original Air Date: 01/08/2000 on NBC

Director: Rodney Charters
Writer: Ethan Matthew Lawrence

Guest Stars: Nikki Tyler (Cindy Perkins), Dana Ashbrook (Cam Larsen), Drew Pillsbury (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Micah Williams (Young Boy), Myron Natwick (Jake Larsen), Larry Dorf (Deputy Carmichael), Cali Timmins (Rebecca Simons), Michael Hagerty (II) (Billy Larsen), Tommy Aquino (Cody Larsen), Peter Moore (FBI Negotiator), Lindsay Beamish (Sarah Larsen), Lindsay Thompson (Junior Aide), Natasha Dorfhuber (Kerry Larsen)



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