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  The Sopranos
 65 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 9 of "The Sopranos"
s01e09 Boca

Title: Boca

Original Air Date: 03/07/1999 on HBO

Director: Andy Wolk

Guest Stars: Cara Jedell (Ally Vandermeed), Jackie Tohn (Heather Dante), Patrick Husted (Waiter), Kevin O'Rourke (Coach Don Hauser), Joyce Lynn O'Connor (Shelly Hauser), John Nacco (Contractor), Nell Balaban (Receptionist), Donna Marie Recco (Bebe), Brian Guzman (Delivery Boy), Bill Winkler (Soccer Ref), Annika Pergament (TV Reporter), Candace Bailey (Deena Hauser), Moises Belizario (FBI Man), Mary Ellen Cravens (Taylor), Elaine del Valle (Waitress), Steve "Inky" Ferguson (Moldonado), Mark Hartmann (Capman), Marissa Jedell (Becky)



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