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  The X-Files
 202 episodes, 9 seasons
United States (1993-2002)
Canceled/Ended in 2002

Episode 127 of "The X-Files"
s06e10 Tithonus

Title: Tithonus

Original Air Date: 01/24/1999 on FOX

Director: Michael W. Watkins
Writer: Vince Gilligan

Guest Stars: Javier Grajeda (Desk Sergeant), Dell Yount (Truck Driver), Barry Wiggins (NYPD Detective), Ange Billman (Secretary), Richard Ruccolo (Agent Peyton Ritter), Nicky Fane (Blue Collar Man), Naomi Matsuda (Hooker), Matt Gallini (Hood), Coby Ryan McLaughlin (Young Agent), Jolyon Reese (Second Young Agent), Don Fehmel (Ambulance EMT)



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