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  Babylon 5
 110 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1993-1999)
Canceled/Ended in 1999

Episode 86 of "Babylon 5"
s04e20 Endgame

Title: Endgame

Original Air Date: 10/16/1997 on Syndication

Director: John Copeland
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski

Guest Stars: Maggie Egan (Anchor), David Purdham (Captain James), Gary McGurk (President Clark), Julian Stone (Captain Mitchell), Kenneth Cortland (Telepath), J. Patrick McCormack (General Lefcourt), Carolyn Seymour (Senator Crosby), Karen Fineman (Kelley), Rick Cramer (Earthforce Officer)

Plot Outline:

The only obstacle remaining between Sheridan and Earth is a fleet near Mars. With the help of the resistance, Sheridan plans to smuggle Shadow modified telepaths onto the fleet, hopefully disabling it long enough from him to take Earth. Meanwhile, Marcus is determined to find a way to help Ivanova.


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