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  Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
 144 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (1997-2003)
Canceled/Ended in 2003

Episode 1 of "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"
s01e01 Welcome to the Hellmouth (1/2)

Title: Welcome to the Hellmouth (1/2)

Original Air Date: 03/10/1997 on WB

Director: Charles Martin Smith
Writer: Joss Whedon

Guest Stars: Brian Thompson (Luke), Tupelo Jereme (Girl #2), Natalie Strauss (Teacher), Ken Lerner (Principal Flutie), J. Patrick Lawlor (Thomas), Eric Balfour (Jesse), Deborah Brown (Girl #4), Carmine Giovinazzo (Boy), Amy Faith Chance (Girl #1/Aphrodesia)

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Plot Outline:

Buffy Summers, The Chosen One, arrives in Sunnydale, California trying to forget all the talk about her destiny and the vampires, only to discover that the quiet, small American town sits atop a Hellmouth and a master vampire is about to be brought forth. With the help of her new Watcher, Giles... and new friends Xander and Willow, Buffy tries to do her sacred duty while also leading a normal teenagers life.

Episode Pictures:

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 1 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 2 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 3 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 4 (episode s01e01)
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 5 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 6 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 7 (episode s01e01) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer photo 8 (episode s01e01)


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