Episode 6 of "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"
s01e06 The Pack
Title: The Pack
Original Air Date: 04/07/1997 on WB
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Writer: Matt Kiene, Joe Reinkemeyer
Guest Stars: Ken Lerner (Principal Flutie), Jeffrey Steven Smith (Adam), Justin Jon Ross (Joey), Gregory White (Coach Herrold), Barbara K. Whinnery (Mrs. Anderson), David Brisbin (Mr. Anderson), Eion Bailey (Kyle), Michael McCraine (Rhonda), Brian Gross (Tor), Jennifer Sky (Heidi), Jeff Maynard (Lance), James Stephens (Dr. Wierick)
Plot Outline:
While enduring the annual field trip to the Zoo, Xander and several other students enter the quarantined Hyena pen and leave in an altered state. Xander begins acting strangely, sniffing Buffy and being cruel to people, including Willow... and Buffy becomes convinced that he has been possessed by the spirit of the wild animal.
Episode Pictures: