A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 36 episodes, 3 seasons
United States (2004-????)
Returning Series

Episode 3 of "Deadwood"
s01e03 Reconnoitering the Rim

Title: Reconnoitering the Rim

Original Air Date: 04/04/2004 on HBO

Director: Davis Guggenheim
Writer: Jody Worth

Guest Stars: Tom Simmons), Timothy Omundson (Brom Garrett), Joel McKinnon Miller), Ray McKinnon (Rev. H.W. Smith), Clay Wilcox), Dean Rader-Duval), Tahmus Rounds), Bree Seanna Wall)

Plot Outline:

Competition arrives for Swearengen in the form of the Bella Union, a new gambling outfit from Chicago operated by savvy Cy Tolliver, Madame Joanie Stubbs and gaming guru Eddie Sawyer. Hickok puts up precious collateral in a poker game with McCall... Bullock and Star strike a deal with Swearengen on a lot for their store and, with help from Hickok and Utter, set to building... Brom Garret threatens Swearengen with The Pinkertons before he and Dan Dority are dispatched to reconnect his claim of being the wildest man in the west.


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