Episode 8 of "Felicity"
s01e08 Drawing the Line (2)
Title: Drawing the Line (2)
Original Air Date: 11/17/1998 on WB
Director: Joan Tewkesbury
Writer: J.J. Abrams, Riley Weston
Guest Stars: Jarrod Crawford (Darryl), Jacqueline Hahn (Kerry Lerner), Elizabeth Penn Payne (Det. Faluci), Robert Stephenson (Officer Dennis)
Plot Outline:
Felicity tells Noel about the rape in the hopes that he will have some idea of how to help Julie. Felicity offers Julie her support and accompanies her to the hospital for an exam. The police ask Julie to file a report, but she declines for the time being. She claims to be fine and shuts down emotionally. Zach approaches her about another date, and has no idea that Julie is even upset with him. Felicity and Noel seek advice at the university health center. They learn that it is unlikely the case could be prosecuted by the police because it is a date-rape case involving alcohol. However, Julie can still file charges through the university. Noel reports Zach to his R.A., Darryl. Felicity is upset, but Noel points out that he has a responsibility for the safety of other students. After Darryl lays into him, Zach confronts Julie and insists that he did not rape her. Julie is angry with Felicity for interfering, and refuses her help. She believes that she is to blame for the rape... she feels that she leads men on and deserves whatever she gets. Ben hears about what happened and attacks Zach in the cafeteria. Ben tells Julie about his abusive childhood, and recalls all the times he tried to blame himself for his father's behavior. He helps her to realize that she should not hold herself responsible for someone else's horrible mistakes. Julie files a claim through the unversity. She goes to see Zach to share the news. She finds him packing to return to Minnesota. He realized that he was guilty of rape, and has already confessed. He apologizes and tells her that she did nothing wrong. Felicity is unable to look after a visiting high school junior because she is busy helping Julie. She dumps the student off on Elena, who quickly grows tired of the talkative girl's obsession with going out to clubs. Story eventually finds a bizarre connection with Meghan, who agrees to take her out clubbing (so long as Story pays for everything). Felicity tries to thwart Noel's efforts to grow a goatee.
Episode Pictures: