Episode 43 of "House"
s02e21 Euphoria (2)
Title: Euphoria (2)
Original Air Date: 05/03/2006 on Fox
Plot Outline:
The police officer is dead, and Foreman continues to experience the same dire progression of symptoms: blindness, muscle contractures and excruciating pain. Foreman realizes he very well may be facing death and tries to make amends in his life. He calls his father (guest star Charles S. Dutton), who travels to be at his son's side. House, Cameron and Chase try everything they can, including infecting him with another disease. As Foreman's body fails, the only choice left is a dangerous brain biopsy to try to confirm the cause. House thinks the solution lies back at the policeman's apartment. It comes down to a race against time, and House fights to figure out the source of Foreman's illness before Cameron has to biopsy his brain.
Episode Pictures: