Episode 11 of "MacGyver"
s01e11 Nightmares
Title: Nightmares
Original Air Date: 01/15/1986 on ABC
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: James Schmerer
Guest Stars: Robert O'Reilly (Curt Neilson), J.P. Bumstead (Barrett), Mike Mancini (Crisp)
Plot Outline:
When MacGyver comes home with some important documents, he´s drugged by enemy agents and told that he will die in six hours if he doesn´t retrieve the documents for them. But MacGyver, using an old prisoner trick, escapes. Now the only problem is convincing someone that he´s not just another drunk. And the hallucinogenic effects are not helping. Can MacGyver steal the antidote from the agents? The documents, as well as his life, will depend on it...