A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 139 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (1985-1992)
Canceled/Ended in 1992

Episode 33 of "MacGyver"
s02e11 Phoenix Under Siege

Title: Phoenix Under Siege

Original Air Date: 01/05/1987 on ABC

Director: Gilbert M. Shilton
Writer: Stephen Kronish

Guest Stars: Richard Lineback (Phillips), Harry Beer (Fred)

Plot Outline:

After perfecting a science experiment, (non-alcoholic eggnog) MacGyver and his grandfather Harry Jackson go off to see a hockey game together- except good old MacGyver forgot the tickets at the Phoenix Foundation. Unwilling to miss the game, MacGyver and Harry hurry to the Foundation to retrieve the tickets. However, at the Foundation, four terrorists on behalf of the Liberation Front are busy trying to locate a bomb that they intend to set off at the Foundation. The four- with Victoria Charles the one in charge- kill a member of the Foundation to gain access to the building. After doing that, Charles scrambles to a computer to wipe out the record of the bomb in the Foundation's memory database and locate it. After doing so, she heads for a control room with the bomb and begins to assemble it. By this time, one of the terrorists, posing as a security guard at the front desk, has alerted the others that MacGyver and his grandfather are in the building. After consulting the Liberation Front, she agrees to kill MacGyver and Harry for an extra $100,000. MacGyver has caught on by now and is busy trying to figure a way to stop the terrorists from their plan. In the confusion that follows, Harry is kidnapped by one of the four and taken to the room with the bomb. After tying Harry up on a chair, a disloyal Charles kills her two accomplices (the other MacGyver knocked unconscious in the lobby). After doing this Charles, via the intercom, informs MacGyver she has Harry sitting with the bomb and he has 15 minutes to decide whether he wants to get out now or try and find Harry. She assumes (correctly) that he will try and locate Harry, so she waits in anticipation to take out MacGyver. When MacGyver gets to a computer to try and locate the bomb, he finds that Charles has erased the memory- and then she walks in the room, gun drawn. After MacGyver knocks the gun out of her hand, she attacks him with spectacular martial arts moves- until she flips herself through a window to her death. MacGyver then tries to access the backup file- only to find it is erased as well. MacGyver gets on the intercom and tells Harry to give him a signal. Harry, still tied up, knocks the phone off and turns on the intercom. He then repeadly pushes the number 5 on the phone with his foot. MacGyver figures out that Harry is on the fifth floor and rushes down to him. MacGyver finds Harry and unties him. However, there are only 90 seconds left before the bomb detonates- not enough time to get out of the building. Can MacGyver disarm the bomb in time to save himself and Harry...?


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