A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 139 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (1985-1992)
Canceled/Ended in 1992

Episode 39 of "MacGyver"
s02e17 Dalton, Jack of Spies

Title: Dalton, Jack of Spies

Original Air Date: 02/23/1987 on ABC

Director: Bob Sweeney
Writer: John J. Sakmar, Kerry Lenhart

Guest Stars: Curt Lowens (Stanley Berrenger), Alan Fudge (Jay Michaels), Duane Tucker (Al), Lee Purcell (Shadow)

Plot Outline:

MacGyver, on his way to his friend Jack Dalton's funeral, recalls the last time he and Jack were together, helping free a botanist from Central America (flashbacks from "Jack of Lies"). MacGyver walks in the church and sees Jack in his coffin, but notices something strange- Jack's left eye twitching. Surprised, MacGyver demands to know what is going on from the very alive and well Jack. Jack explains that he is mixed up with the CIA- particularly, double agents planning on selling out US security. The double agents then show up, and MacGyver and Jack are forced to make a quick getaway in a motorcycle with a side car. MacGyver and Jack get away, thanks to the maneuverability of the motorcycle versus the car the agents are in. The two then head over to Jack's secret underground hideout to discuss matters. Jack then explains that the CIA hired him to make some deliveries, and then a mole showed up in the agency. They then decided to keep Jack to see if he could root out the mole and report it to his contact. Soon after, MacGyver and Jack find that Jack's contact (codename "Light") was murdered. When they show up at the murder scene, the CIA mole claims they are the ones who murdered Light. MacGyver and Jack then are forced to escape again, this time from the police. After getting away, MacGyver calls the Phoenix Foundation to see if Pete can help, only to find that he is out of the country. He also finds that he and Jack are wanted for murder by the police and the CIA in Light's death. Later, the agents show up to kill both of them. The two manage to get away again, and then decide to find "Shadow", Light's partner. Jack knows that the final delivery is scheduled for the current night, so he expects Shadow to be there keeping an eye on things. However, when they arrive, Jack cannot spot Shadow. However, he and MacGyver do spot the messenger, so they intercept the package. Shadow, who really is there posing as a dancer, then comes over, and the three of them are confronted by the double agents. They order them up, but a disturbance allows the three of them to escape to a side room. MacGyver ambushes the agents while Jack and Shadow find a way out. However, in the end, the agents are the ones who run away when MacGyver tells Jack that they can prove he and Jack are innocent. Jack then finds a slip of paper showing a business that may be the cover for the whole operation- a warehouse. MacGyver, Jack, and Shadow then head over to the warehouse and stake it out. The agents, as well as the seller, then take the merchandise (a crypt machine, capable of decoding US crypt messages) inside. The buyer, an agent from an Asian country, then shows up to finalize plans for its shipment. By this time, MacGyver has snuck in the warehouse and let Shadow in while Jack stands guard outside. Shadow recognizes the machine and explains what a disaster the US could have on its hands if the machine gets into enemy hands. The agents and the buyer and seller then catch MacGyver and Shadow. Jack attempts to rescue them, but is covered by an agent. They then stuff the three in the back of a garbage truck and take off for the nearest dump. Can MacGyver, Jack, and Shadow escape from certain death? Also, can they stop the shipment before the crypt machine falls into the wrong hands...?


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