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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 107 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s05e22 Reese Joins The Army (2/3)

Title: Reese Joins The Army (2/3)

Original Air Date: 05/23/2004 on Fox

Director: Peter Lauer
Writer: Andrew Orenstein

Guest Stars: Steve Rankin (Sgt. Hendrix), Michael Milhoan (Sgt. McManus), Craig Barnett (Judge Simon), Lindsey Ginter (Captain Renquist), Paul Hayes (Jury Foreman), Randy Thompson (Officer), Dave Power (Private James), Paul Gleason (Mystery Man (Gordon Walker)), Jorge-Luis Pallo (Driver), Larry Bagby III (Aide), Michael Chieffo (Dennis), Judith Moreland (Prosecutor), Kareem Grimes (Private Carter), Eric K. George (Private Cooper), Wells Rosales (Private Anthony Martinez), Luis Chavez (Private Meadow), Nicolas Roye (Private Franklin), Michael Jerome West (Capt. Van De Kam)

Plot Outline:

Reese continues to be a great soldier in the Army until he finds himself in a situation where his Sergeant cannot help. But after comparing being captured to being grounded, he takes action and leads his team to victory. But being such a successful soldier has it's bad parts as well, as Reese prepares to jump from the plane - right into Afghanistan. Malcolm has his hands full as well as he attempts to prove Hal innocent. But being good with numbers helps as Malcolm notices all of the prosecutions given dates are on Fridays - which Hal hasn't worked on in over 15 years. And with Reese missing and Hal's case, Lois falls deeper and deeper into insanity.


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