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  Malcolm in the Middle
 151 episodes, 7 seasons
United States (2000-2006)
Canceled/Ended in 2006

Episode 108 of "Malcolm in the Middle"
s06e01 Reese Comes Home (3/3)

Title: Reese Comes Home (3/3)

Original Air Date: 11/07/2004 on Fox

Director: Todd Holland
Writer: Matthew Carlson

Guest Stars: Steve Rankin (Sergeant Hendrix), James Black (Sgt. Rick), Caroline Aaron (Nurse Peterson), Matthew Atherton (M.P.), Larry Marko (Ed), Wells Rosales (Private Anthony Martinez), Nicolas Roye (Private Franklin), David Kavandi (Mullah), Luke Baybak (Teenager), Sunny Bedi (Tribesman), Farrah Skyler Greye (Flight Attendent), Mr. Waffles (Drew Massey)

Plot Outline:

When Reese realizes the Army is too much for him to handle, he deserts and dresses as an Afghani woman. But Lois is on a march to find him, and travels to Kabul to hunt him down. Meanwhile, Malcolm volunteers at a veterans hospital as a way to make up for his guilt of making Reese leave.


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