Episode 5 of "Oz"
s01e05 Straight Life
Title: Straight Life
Original Air Date: 08/04/1997 on HBO
Director: Larry Williams, Lesley Libman
Writer: Tom Fontana
Guest Stars: Kathleen Widdoes (Beecher's Mother), Brian Tarantina (Prisoner #94P442 Ronald Poklewaldt), Steve Ryan (Officer Mike Healy), Pat McNamara (Dr. Gustopnick), Ray Iannicelli (Officer Brese), Murphy Guyer (Officer Eddie Hunt), Esther Swan (Barbara Deckart), Cradeaux Alexander (Drag Queen)
Plot Outline:
Tim makes a concentrated effort to slow down drug traffic in Em City. When Nino turns down Tim's offer to help him get out of the business, Tim punishes him by transferring all his men into gen pop. Nino makes a deal with the gangsters. Poklewaldt hopes to avoid paying his debts to Adebisi by ratting him out to Glynn and McManus. Nino uncovers a secret that leads to Markstrom's death. A cloud of suspicion hangs overhead as Glynn orders a lockdown. A stir-crazy Miguel is calmed by podmate Groves and his acid-coated stamps, and eventually hallucinates visions of his dead son. Despite Tim's declaration of love, Diane ends their relationship when rumors begin to spread. Three-strikes lifer Scott Ross arrives mid-lockdown, renewing old ties with Vern and Diane. She accepts his offer to smuggle cigarettes in exchange for money after the commissioner bans double shifts for guards. Said is diagnosed with hypertension, but refuses to take medication for fear of losing his focus as a leader. Rebadow later puts the fear of God into him. McManus agrees to leave him be after Said drops a hint that a hack is responsible for the drugs coming to Em City. Nino orders Ryan to stop Healy's drug trafficking. Enlisting Poklewaldt's help, Ryan arranges for a deal between himself and Healy to be intercepted. Ryan gets sent to the Hole, tells the hacks Poklewaldt is responsible (and he gets Ryan's beating as a result), Healy is fired. Sister Pete forces Beecher to come to counseling after he shows up at work high. She and McManus arrange a visit between Beecher and his mother. Vern later dispatches an effeminate gay to give Beecher a makeover.
Episode Pictures: