Episode 20 of "Oz"
s03e04 Unnatural Disasters
Title: Unnatural Disasters
Original Air Date: 08/04/1999 on HBO
Director: Chazz Palminteri
Writer: Tom Fontana
Guest Stars: Fred Koehler (Andrew Schillinger), Bruce MacVittie (Strauch), Rob Bogue (Prisoner #98C931 Jason Cramer), Oni Faida Lampley (Rev. Truman), Kevin Geer (Axelrod), William Cote (William Cudney)
Plot Outline:
Schillinger learns Andrew has arrived in Em City. Glynn turns down his request to move Andrew to Vern's unit (B). At lunch, he sees his obviously high son and gets him sent to the Hole. Beecher, Keller, and Ryan begin their plan of revenge. After a staged fight between Beecher and Keller in drug counseling, Andrew befriends Beecher. Ryan cuts Andrew's drug supply off. Keller moves out of Beecher's pod, and Andrew moves in. Howell files a sexual harassment lawsuit. McManus feebly attempts to defend his actions, but the state settles and Claire gets her job back. An argument erupts between Said and his visiting sister after she tells him Tricia Ross contacted her. Said grants Poet permission to write again. Refusing to deny his feeling any longer, Said holds Tricia's hand, a gesture seen by Poet. Keller begins working his charm on Sister Pete... she later gets an eyeful of him and a visiting ex-wife. Pete asks Ray to stay away from Miguel's work in the victim/offender program. Miguel agrees to meet Officer Rivera, but his return to Em City has a condition, he has to give up the name of Ardith Glynn's rapist. Pete meets with Rivera and his wife Tina, convincing them to be a part of the program. Cyril tells Ryan he doesn't want to box anymore. El Cid forces Miguel to box, going up against Cramer. After fending off an inquisitive Cudney, Ryan drugs Miguel's water. He loses and faces teasing for being beaten by a homosexual. The prison goes into lockdown after the Christians try to stop viewing of Miss Sally. Hughes is transferred to the library after using a stun gun on El Cid. With the slight chance his case might be overturned on appeal, Richie and Shirley share a tender goodbye. The case is overturned... Richie goes back to Em City to serve the rest of his drug sentence. Nikolai greets him in the shower, slashing his throat and revealing he and Vogel were actually friends. Nappa confesses a lifetime of sins to Mukada. Adebisi makes a deal with Pancamo and El Cid to make him a partner, as long as he gets rid of Wangler. Wangler celebrates his 18th birthday, his joy is short-lived when his mother claims his wife is cheating on him and her boyfriend is abusing their son. He takes Pierce up on his offer to kill the wife and boyfriend by using outside friends.
Episode Pictures: