A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 56 episodes, 6 seasons
United States (1997-2003)
Canceled/Ended in 2003

Episode 29 of "Oz"
s04e05 Gray Matter

Title: Gray Matter

Original Air Date: 08/09/2000 on HBO

Director: Brian Cox (III)
Writer: Tom Fontana

Guest Stars: Dylan Chalfy (Prisoner #00K414 Patrick Keenan), Michael Quill (Mark Miles), Stephanie Pope (Kina Spaite), Harry O'Reilly (Bruno Gergan), Pamela Isaacs (Mary Glynn), Cyrus Farmer (Officer Johnson), Gano Grills (Prisoner #00B563 Raymond AKA Mondo Browne), Jacques Smith (Prisoner #00T255 Leroy Tidd), Lord Jamar (Prisoner #00K251 Supreme Allah a.k.a. Kevin Ketchum), David Johansen (Eli Zabitz)

Plot Outline:

Mobay/Basil is having a hard time keeping up the front of remembering to be Mobay and not Basil, especially since new inmate (and fellow cop) Bruno Gergan knows who M/B is and plans to tell if he doesn't protect him. Adebisi wants M/B to kill someone to show his loyalty. Funny you should mention that, Adebisi, 'cause I think M/B has a perfect candidate. M/B tricks Gergan into thinking Hill knows who Gergan is and suggests they take care of Hill-- Oz style. He gets both men to come to an open elevator shaft and then instead of pushing Hill down it--Well, I'll be darned-- Gergan makes the fall instead. See ya, Bruno, it was nice getting to know you for, oooh, about 5 minutes. All this murdering and snorting and accent-faking must be getting to M/B because everyone's starting to suspect he might not be for real, even his old partner. Apparantly everyone but Glynn, that is, because the warden's too busy getting ready to be lieutenant governor. Way to keep your priorities straight, Leo. Apparantly, Leo isn't a very good lieutentant governor either, according to Gov. Devlin who feels they should leak the news of Glynn's daughter's rape to the papers so that Leo can look like a man who understands pain and cares about his family. Leo, to his credit, says no. Gov. Devlin ain't too pleased. Yeah, go figure why the guy wouldn't want to exploit his daughter's rape. Jackass. Oh wait, now Glynn's doing what the Governor said. Jackasses. Tim gets a call from Diane and it makes him all cranky. He takes it out on Murphy, under the guise that he's angry Murphy took his old job for a few minutes. I don't like it when people are mean to Murphy. New inmate Kevin Ketcham (aka Supreme Allah) arrives at Oz. He's a Muslim of a different colour in that he's a 5 percenter (meaning he believes 5% of all black men truly "get" life). Supreme smokes weed, deals drugs, and pisses off Said simultaneously. That's okay though, Said has a friend in-- Adebisi?! Oh man, he must be up to something. Adebisi warns Said that the Earth is about to quake but offers him no more info than that. Said still isn't interested in being best buds quite yet. A few more inmates are transferred out-- all bikers or Aryans. Pancamo, Morales and Adebisi make up the new council that will handle all of Em City's complaints. Hey, I think this is the beginning of that quake. Murphy doesn't like where this is headed and Querns doesn't like his attitude. Murphy is transferred out of Em City. What did I just say about being nice to Murphy? Jackass. Hey death row, how *you* doin? Well, Miles is still a bitch, Moses still kicks ass and Nat-- well, Nat ain't doing so good. Dr. Nathan checks on him and it seems like AIDS might kill him before the State gets a chance to. Same goes for Patrick Keenan, a new inmate who's crime was raping Dr. Nathan. Except replace "AIDS" with "Ryan O'Reily." While O'Reily plays nice with Keenan, we all know his days are numbered. O'Reily's gotta a lot of rape victims to protect this week, as his brother is being harassed in the quad as well. This makes Cyril justifiably angry. Solution? Up his meds, of course! As if Ryan's day couldn't get any worse, Stanislovsky is trying to get Ryan in trouble for Ralph Galino's death. Stanislovsky tries to get Ryan killed, but nobody's interested. Just to make sure, though, Ryan tells Hoyt about the cell phone. Hoyt demands it and in the ensuing scuffle, O'Reily ends up with the phone. Well, at least something's going right for him. Same can't be said for the depends friends, unfortunately. Rebadow still isn't talking to Busmalis, and Busmalis is missing the love. Keller feels his pain, because Beecher ain't talking to him, either. Actually, he's not talking to anyone. I think he's still hung-up on the whole "my kids are missing" thing. He doesn't even come out for count, and Rebadow sticks up for him by telling the guards to fuck off. Old men swearing=awesome. This is just the beginning of bad-ass Rebadow, whom I love. Even with Bad-Bob sticking up for him, Beecher is falling apart. Robson and Schillinger are loving it. Schillinger tells Hank to drop of the next package, which, if you couldn't guess is the body that hand belonged to. When Toby's dad tells him they found Gary's body, Beecher can't even cry, but I find I can when I see Gary's tiny coffin. Man having to bury his son? Not right. Toby's strong enough, however, to plot revenge. He gets another inmate, Zabitz, to do some digging for him, while Ray's digging away at Schillinger's frozen soul, trying to convince him to let Holly live. Schillinger plays dumb, and me and Ray are all like: Yeah, right. So we're figuring Zabitz might pass along good info, right? *sigh* No, of course not. He says it's Keller who kidnapped his kids. My hand hurts from smacking it against my forehead. Keller is interegated by the FBI and his shocked that the agent could even suggest he'd kill Beecher's kids. *shrug* I guess it sounded believable to Beecher, 'cause while Keller is in their pod, minding his own business and Beecher's all like: *shank!* Luckily, no one's hurt... well, physically anyway. We see Schillinger pay Zabitz for his misinformation and just when you think Vern's evil-incarnate, we see a shred of hope as he tells Hank to release the other "package"-- alive. Viewers everywhere let out a collective sigh.

Episode Pictures:

Oz photo 1 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 2 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 3 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 4 (episode s04e05)
Oz photo 5 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 6 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 7 (episode s04e05) Oz photo 8 (episode s04e05)


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