Episode 44 of "Oz"
s05e04 Next Stop: Valhalla
Title: Next Stop: Valhalla
Original Air Date: 01/27/2002 on HBO
Director: J. Miller Tobin
Writer: Tom Fontana, Sunil Nayar
Guest Stars: Blake Robbins (Brass), Mike Doyle (Prisoner #02G561 Adam Guenzel), Antoni Cornacchione (Prisoner #02U672 Francis Urbano AKA Frank the Fixer), Sandra Purpuro (Catherine), Andy Powers (Prisoner #02W562 Franklin Winthrop), Nelson Lee (Li Chen), Chris Gardner (Prisoner #02L696 Ahmad Lalar), Pepa (Andrea), Joel West (II) (Shupe), Michael Gregory Gong (Jia), Christopher Rivera (Velez), Emanuel Yarbrough (Clarence)
Plot Outline:
Miguel: Per Miguel's orders, Velez tries to kill Guerra in the shower room. Guerra gains the upper hand and beats Velez's head against the shower wall repeatedly. When a guilt-ridden Miguel visits Mukada, a distracted Mukada suggests Miguel do a good deed in penance for his sins. When Miguel learns of the dog training program Alicia Hinden has pitched to Em City (approved after more sparring between McManus and his ex-wife), he signs up and makes a great first impression on Alicia. Hill (hoping to get over his mother's death) and Penders also sign up. Miguel's dog defends herself ably when Guerra taunts her. Busmalis/Rebadow: Busmaslis's efforts to save Miss Sally's Schoolyard (he wrote 200 letters all in different names, but with the same address) are for naught when he learns the show is being replaced by Sallycize, an exercise show. He ponders whether Norma has a job on that show. Rebadow asks Dave Brass to buy him a lottery ticket. Brass has his own problems as Martinez throws a blood and human waste cocktail in his face. When Gloria tells him he needs to tell his girlfriend that he could be HIV-positive from the exposure, he storms out. Vern/Beecher/Keller: Before Schibetta's first session with Sister Pete, Vern reminds him not to tell her who raped him. In Vern's interaction session with Said and Beecher, he denies Said's accusations of raping Beecher or Cyril. An enraged Beecher lunges at him and has to be pulled away. Vern's theme of rape continues when Franklin Winthrop arrives in gen pop. After saving him from a large black inmate, Vern and Robson roll out the Pragmobile. Franklin's friend, Adam Gueznel (who is Beecher's new podmate... Adam's father was Beecher's scoutmaster) is disgusted when he sees him dolled up as a prag during lunch. Seeing Adam's repentance and knowing the Aryans will come after Adam soon, Beecher asks Said to protect Adam. Said refuses, so Beecher elicits a promise from an increasingly sick Pancamo. Moments before the Aryans attack Adam, new prisoner Urbano and the rest of the Sicilians step in. A brawl ensues. Adam is unharmed but pumped by the idea of fighting and violence. Beecher is concerned. Sister Pete unsuccessfully tries to give Keller a pep talk. Keller spends the rest of his time flirting with his guard, Claire. Meanwhile, Beecher freaks out when he discovers Keller's public defender is none other than Catherine. He asks her to get Keller another lawyer, but curiosity gets the better of Catherine. Beecher's two lovers share a tense first meeting, but Keller swears he didn't kill anyone and she agrees to stay on his case. Ryan: Ryan, his mother and Cyril are more of a family than ever. After Gloria's prodding, Ryan confesses his past crimes to Suzanne, but not before inflicting a little white man breakdancing on her. The family harmony is broken when hippie inmate Shupe overhears Li Chen and Jia discussing their plans to murder Ryan. To get drugs, Shupe exaggerates to Ryan that they plan to rape Suzanne. Ryan stabs Li in the side, and is hit in the face. Enraged, Cyril stabs Li in a more fatal area. McManus moves Cyril to solitary in preparation for the upcoming murder trial. Omar/Said: Suzanne's love of singing has infected Omar. Unfortunately, his singing bugs all in Em City, podmate Said most of all. McManus gives Omar his own private storage room to sing in, an hour every day. Omar's blue skies quickly turn grey when Redding informs him that he has to run drugs through the room, "or else." Said's followers continue doubting his association with Omar, but Said puts them in their place. During a library altercation with the Aryans, upstart Muslim Lalar is fight-happy. Robson realizes the best way to get to Said is through his youngest. Cornering the helpless youth in a storage room, Robson and another Aryan heartlessly slice and slash Lalar into an excruciating death. Miscellaneous: Gloria treats Martinez's wounds (he was badly beaten after throwing the waste shake on Brass). When Martinez won't stop groping her, Gloria has flashbacks to her rape and goes mad-ass on him. Sister Pete tries to soothe Gloria's guilt over beating a helpless prisoner by telling her to work through her anger, work through why she wanted to return to a pit of violent men after being raped. Redding asks for and gets control of the kitchen. His mother's last moments in the bus won't leave Hill's head. Beecher tells him to think of her decomposing, rotting into nothing. Not surprisingly, this only devastates Hill further, and he goes back on drugs after 4 years of sobriety.
Episode Pictures: