A Showtime original series starring Michael C. Hall as an handsome and charming serial killer.
Ordinary people discover extraordinary abilities on NBC.
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 56 episodes, 6 seasons
United States (1997-2003)
Canceled/Ended in 2003

Episode 53 of "Oz"
s06e05 4 Giveness

Title: 4 Giveness

Original Air Date: 02/02/2003 on HBO

Director: John Henry Davis
Writer: Tom Fontana, Bradford Winters

Guest Stars: Joel Grey (Prisoner #03I462 Lemuel Idzik), Avery Glymph (Yusef), Roxanne Hart (Jessica Kirk), Matthew Cowles (Brandt), Tessell Williams (Nurse), Tony Hoty (Prisoner #97K186 Kelsch), Cyrus Farmer (Officer Johnson), Connie Nelson (Det. McGorry), Ra Hanna (Bismilla), Michael Rivera (Rosa), Antoni Comacchione (Urbano), Peter Francis James (Jahfree), Mtume Grant (Prisoner #01R934 Reginald Rawls), Katheryn Winnick (Liesel Robson)

Plot Outline:

Schillinger's willing to forgive and forget in the name of murder, so Robson is enveloped back into the Brotherhood and invited to do that most holy of holy tasks-- spotting Vern while he lifts weights. It's good Robson got something because even after all that spoon-lovin', Cutler decides to leave all his worldly possessions to... Alvarez? Yup, Cutler leaves everything to Miguel in his will. I hope this satisfies you as a plotline because we'll never get any answers as to why Cutler did that. But I digress. The brotherhood "suggests" that Alvarez gives everything to Cutler's widow, which he says he's likely to do. Robson, meanwhile, decides to celebrate his no-longer-prag status by having a visit with his wife, Liesel. Unfortunately, Robson seems more interested in a handjob than a visit and when his wife pushes him away, she calls him a 'cocksucker'-- not the best epithet considering recent events. Robson goes nuts and ends up in the Hole. Hey, here are the guest narrators for this week's episode: Andy and Hank Schillinger. There's some mentioning of chinese food and forgiveness and they bicker. It's all very moving, and speaking of moving, let's move on. Burr tries to get his boys back into telemarketing, but they aren't *that* desperate yet. So Redding uses good old-fashioned force and tells Pancamo and Urbano to keep an eye out for his boys slinging tits, and to crush them if they're caught so that they'll return to Redding. Ahh.. there truly is no justice like prison justice. Augustus' book is finally being published (available now at!) but while the prisoners are all moderately pleased, the book binders themselves are pretty irritated. The profits aren't nearly as high as they should be and Arif is worried that Said's vision wasn't a great business deal. The Muslims have more to worry about than just bok binding because Said's killer, Lemuel Idzik is comin' to Oz. He's put in Unit J for protection, but it seems the only person who's planning any retaliation is Omar. And we all know how well *his* plans turn out. Because he killed Said, Idzik's got the Brotherhood on his side, even though he's a Jew and he manages to make less sense than even Giles did. Still, White has the fabulous plan to meet with Idzik and McManus has the fabulous idea to say: no. Good call, McManus. Schillinger's boys say something about tofu and accountability being alike. I can't say I see the resemblance. Because clearly Oz is the safest place for a party, Glynn announces the Correctional Officers Association will hold their annual banquet there. Howell confesses the stunning revelation that she doesn't even own a gown. Tee-hee. After the banquet meeting, Murphy confesses to Glynn about cutting Morales' tendon saying it was wrong, unjust and completely out of character for Murphy and was just some half-assed way to make a point about no one being above corruption. Okay, so maybe i added that last part. Glynn says he'll repremand them and I hope that punishment in Oz doesn't involve paddles. Or spoons. Glynn tells Morales he's going back to Em City and Morales tells Glynn nurse Grace is a psycho. Glynn doesn't believe him, but since when does he believe people when they're telling the truth? Brass tries to half-assedly apologize to Rebadow, saying it's Morales and Martinez he should hate but Bobby ain't havin' none of it. Adding to Brass' bad day is the fact that he's suspended and lost a month's pay but nobody cares. Oh, and Howell and Murphy lost a week's vacation. The Hell? They hold a man down, cut his ankles to ribbons and they lose a week's vacation? Wow, Glynn. Way to be the iron fist there. McManus is angry at Murphy but when he learns that Murphy is sorry (he lost a WEEK'S. VACATION. What more do you want, man? Blood?) he forgives him, but makes him buy dinner. Which is its own punishment, I guess. Nurse Grace smothers Morales in his sleep. Yup, couldn't see that one coming. Great sleuthing, Glynn. Agamemnon loves Norma, Norma loves Agamemnon, they both love the baby, the baby loves drooling. Busmalis wants to get married to Norma, Norma wants to get married to Busmalis, the baby wants to stop being taken to the depressing prison playroom. Next. Rebadow wants Stella to leave him be and Stella wants Rebadow to stay and I want this plotline to be over. Pablo reads some more, Stella still has cancer, there's some more Blake quoting and Rebadow still ignores Stella. I have the same urge. Pablo gets all up in Rebadow's face and i remember the time when i actually didn't want to see Rebadow get yelled at. Funny how that changed. Hank and Andy: What Would Jesus Do? Why, he'd forgive. Or, 4give, i guess. After all the murders that have gone uninvestigated in Oz, Mayor Loewen's seems to be all anyone can talk about. The authorities question Kelsch who insists he wasn't paid to be a distraction, he just had hives. Then they question Brandt and I'm wondering why no one saw the blood all down Brandt's neck and face the night of the murder. Silly question, i suppose. They threaten and lie and eventually Brandt admits that Officer Johnson hired him. Glynn insinuates to Johnson that he knows he's responsible and Johnson panics, calling the Governor to tell him the news. Jessica Kirk still feels guilt about not loving her boy and says she's prayed so hard her knees hurt. There's got to be a blowjob joke in there that I'm missing. Jess finds a friend in Mukada, though and offers to help work in the infirmary. I wonder if she'd be as eager if she knew that, in Oz's infirmary, more people get wrapped up in body bags than in paper gowns. Hoyt bleeds from the forehead. It's from stress. The technical term for it is "mematidrosis". And now you know. Cyril has a condition, too. The technical term for it is "throwing up because of ECT treatments". We get a glimpse of what's going on inside Cyril's brain as the pre-braindamaged "inner cyril" tries to get people's attention. We know he's the inner-Cyril because everything freezes and he's wearing a suit. Hmm... this is really hard to explain in text. It's not helping much that i'm concentrating too much on Scott William Winters in a suit. Oh, wait. Real Cyril soiled himself. Not so attracted. Oh, and just in case you wondered, Cyril's probably going to be executed next week and Ryan still loves Gloria. And that was the week that was in O'Reily's world. Poet and the gang try to get Jahfree Neema to be the new head of their merry band. He says no. Neema also manages to piss off Ryan (because his mom left his dad for Jahfree) and Burr (by refusing to talk to him because he was a drug dealer). Just a hint, Neema: If you want to last more than a season on this show don't simultaneously get the blacks, crazy ol' Burr and Ryan O'Reily wanting you gone. Bodies disappear in Oz faster than chicken nuggets at noontime Hank and Andy: forgive yourself. Done. While Agent Taylor isn't too happy Keller's still walking about, Beecher seems rather pleased. He feels so good about Keller's (somewhat) happy ending that he's decided to do pro-bono work for the other prisoners. But while he's off playing saviour-in-a-suit, Keller's not having an easy time adjusting to life without Beecher. Sister Pete suggest he do something generous for others and gives him the idea of helping out his ex-wives. Keller gets that glint in his eyes that suggest he's scheming and if I were Beecher I'd watch my back. 'Course, if i were Beecher I would always watch my back. Beecher and Keller meet and Keller explains that his ex-wife, Bonnie, has ovarian cancer. He pleads with Beecher to pick up the drugs and give them to Bonnie, even though the possession of those illegal drugs is a direct violation of his parole. Beecher, using that excellent judgement that got him into Oz in the first place, agrees. Quick cut to Keller placing a devious phone call and Wham, bam, Beecher's back in Oz. "Same old story, I got fucked in the ass." Couldn't have put it better myself, Beecher. And an unwanted ass-fuck? Is a mighty big action to forgive.

Episode Pictures:

Oz photo 1 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 2 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 3 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 4 (episode s06e05)
Oz photo 5 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 6 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 7 (episode s06e05) Oz photo 8 (episode s06e05)


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